The Effects of electromagnetic weapons on humans and on the different objects based on the use of a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP). For the first time about electromagnetic radiation, capable of defeating a variety of technical devices has become known in the course of nuclear weapons testing when it was discovered that a new physical phenomenon. It soon became known that AMY formed not only during a nuclear explosion. In the 50-ies of XX century in Russia was proposed by the non-nuclear "electromagnetic bomb", where the result of compression of the magnetic field of the solenoid explosion chemical explosives formed a powerful AMY. Currently, when the troops and infrastructure of many States to limit saturated electronics, attention to means of destruction has become very important.
Prospects for the development of electromagnetic weapons are associated with a wide spread in the world of electronic technology that solves a very challenging task, including in the security sphere.
The object of design and research are the generators of A. D. Sakharov.
The purpose of design and research is the study of the radiation generators of A. D. Sakharov
Main task: - analysis of the static state; - analysis of the transition process; - analysis of frequency characteristics; - stability analysis; the analysis of the stationary regimes of oscillation
In the works of Sakharov and co-authors describe the two most typical explosive generators: MK-1 (compression of the axial magnetic field) and MK-2 (displacement of the magnetic field of the solenoid and its subsequent compression by the walls of the coax).
In shopping Mall "Rose Park", is the mass of shops, a large entertainment area, cinema, children's play centers, area restaurants. Here every visitor can find something for everyone and will plunge into the unique atmosphere of shopping emotions and impressions.
system MK-1. Inside a hollow metal cylinder with a pulse of current in the solenoid coil creates a magnetic field. The outside of the cylinder coaxial layer of an explosive charge (BB). This charge excited by convergent cylindrical shock wave. The moment of explosion is selected so that the cylinder compression was started at the time maksimalnog current in the solenoid coil, i.e. at the moment of maximum the initial magnetic field. The compression speed of the cylinder walls over 1 km/sec; the stop motion is due to the backpressure of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the cylinder, since the magnetic flux in the cylinder remains constant. This is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction: when moving the cylinder in the radial direction in the walls arise induced currents which, obeying the well-known "Lenz's law", tend not to let a field from the inner region. During initial field of 30 Gauss already in the first experiments was achieved with a field of 1 million Gauss, which corresponds to the decrease of the radius of the cylinder is about six times.
Generator MK-2 is of particular interest for high currents and very high energy magnetic field (with the transformation into energy of the magnetic field up to 20% energy EXPLOSIVES with relatively high magnetic field values up to 2 million Gauss)." "Practical implementation of systems MC-2 high performance demanded long-term studies of a large team, which basically was completed in 1956 (the first design of the generator of MK-2 was created in 1952, and in 1953 received currents of 100 million amperes)."
In the future, AMY's weapon is seen, primarily, as power, offensive means of electronic and informa tional struggle. The main strategic and operational tasks that can be solved using EMP weapons, are:
• strategic deterrence of aggression;
• disruption of control systems of troops and weapons against nick;
• reducing the effectiveness of its offensive air, dry worthwhile, and the action marine;
• ensure air superiority through the destruction of means Air defense and electronic warfare systems of the opposing side.
E-the ammunition can be used for impact impact areas of possible positions of mobile and portable SAM, in the systems of short-range protection of the aircraft. Effect the application of EMB is expressed, for example, the scrapping of the system of target detection portable SAM, his head samanabad tion, and these effects can be achieved even if the mo ment of impact portable SAM is in an inactive state research institute. Protection of the aircraft can be carried out with the help of by EMB, which is fired toward the attacking missile and impresses with its homing head with the on-Board generators, the Torah directional radiation. Similar projects tyrouts and prospective complexes protect tanks from anti tank missile complexes against various high-precision ammunitions.
the submissions suggests that in the coming decades, the advent of high performance AMY's arms will be able to radically affect the development of production technologies and the future of the RA bioelectronic systems both military and civilian values.
When writing this abstract master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: Jun 2017. Full text works and materials on the subject can be obtained from author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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